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Feb 26 2018
Podcast Made in America

How THIS NIGHT Socks Is Aiming to Revive the Knitting Mills of Reading, Pa.

Inspired by the legacy of textile manufacturing in her hometown, Reading, Pa., Kate Williamson dreamed of making socks as a child. When her father came across an ad for a local knitting mill, the...
Mar 12 2018

Training the Workers of the Future for the Factories of the Future

Without a skilled workforce, the intelligent factory of the future is worthless. Here's how the Commonwealth Center for Advanced Manufacturing (CCAM) just outside Richmond, Virginia, is training the...
Apr 02 2018
Podcast Made in America

From Seed to Stitch: Why One Company Keeps It Made in America

The White House celebrated "Made in America Week" by inviting makers to meet with the president for a manufacturing roundtable. Attendees Jimmy and Stephanie MacDonald stop by to discuss their...
Apr 02 2018
Podcast Made in America

The Inspiring Story of Mark Andol’s Made in America Store

After nearly losing his welding business to foreign competition, Mark Andol decided to open a store in an out-of-business car dealership selling only American-made products. People thought he was...
Apr 02 2018
Podcast Made in America

Design School Graduate Sews Her Way to Success

When Tori Tissell graduated from design school in 2011, she wasn't sure how she would make ends meet, let alone provide Christmas presents for all her friends and family. However, Tissell's ingenuity...
Dec 17 2018
Podcast Made in America

How a Hiking Habit Became a Booming Business

When Chris McMaster had the opportunity to make his hiking habit a profitable business by purchasing ULA, a small Utah business that made hiking backpacks, he jumped at the opportunity though he knew...
Dec 31 2018
Podcast Made in America

An Update On Your Favorite Maker Episode in 2018

Since we featured THIS NIGHT in early 2018, the Reading, Pa., knitting mill that manufactured the company's socks closed, leaving THIS NIGHT owner and designer Kate Williamson devastated but as...
Jan 28 2019
Podcast Made in America

A Competitive Skier Finds His Stride in Manufacturing the Ski Poles of His Dreams

Andy Liebner couldn't find ski poles that could keep up with his performance as a professional athlete, but he knew that it was possible to make the poles right and make them in America. So, he made...
Feb 25 2019
Podcast Made in America

Teen CEO Takes Made in N.Y. Body Products From Farmers’ Markets to Target Shelves

Teen CEO Zandra Cunningham of Zandra Beauty began her business at only 9 years old but has steadily found her footing as a maker and business mogul ever since. Find out how Cunningham grew her...
Apr 08 2019

‘This Mill Is Everything in This Community.’

As the mill in Coatesville, Pa., begins its recovery thanks to Section 232 trade action, so too is the city beginning a new era of revitalization. A year after tariffs on imported steel have been in...