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Dec 10 2020

Stop Currency Manipulation, Start Creating Jobs

Most Americans probably don't think much about how currency is valued. But currency manipulation by countries like China has cost millions of manufacturing jobs.
Dec 14 2020

The Made in USA Label Matters. We Haven’t Done Enough to Protect It.

But there's a growing appetite in Washington to defend Made in USA, including by taking real action against the violators who knowingly mislabel their products.
Dec 15 2020

Renewed Interest in Made in America Was a Boon to Small Manufacturers During COVID-19. But Will It Continue?

The COVID-19 pandemic shone a well-deserved spotlight on domestic manufacturers, but cheap imports could shadow them once again.
Dec 16 2020

What Do Black Factory Workers Want from the Incoming Biden Administration?

We profiled several Black workers this summer about their experiences in manufacturing. Now, we’re getting back in touch to find out what they expect from the president-elect.
Dec 18 2020

Steel Overcapacity: Trump Performed Triage. Can Biden Heal the Wound?

America’s steel industry is vital to our national security and critical infrastructure. But it remains threatened by global overcapacity, and COVID-19 has only made things worse.
Jan 07 2021

Congress Keeps on Rolling

This week, despite a riot, it certified the election of the next American president. Last week, it passed a big, important defense bill.
Jan 12 2021

New Report: China’s Solar Companies Use Forced Labor

Researchers at Horizon Advisory found forced labor in Xinjiang is likely being utilized by China's polysilicon industry and related supply chain.
Jan 13 2021

California’s Budget Plan Is Promising for Jobs, But It Has to Be Done Right

The Golden State often leads the way when it comes to public policy. Here’s what stands out in Gov. Gavin Newsom's latest budget proposal.
Jan 15 2021

It’s the One Year Anniversary of Trump’s Trade Deal With China

Predictions that the agreement would ultimately be a big nothing burger have largely come true. Now attention turns to President-elect Joe Biden.
Jan 19 2021

The United States Officially Designates What is Happening in Xinjiang as Genocide

Now it’s on the incoming Biden administration to act. But Western brands have a role to play, too.