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May 22 2012
Press Release

Manufacturers urge action on currency in TPP trade negotiations

Alliance for American Manufacturing (AAM) signs joint letter calling for action on currency manipulation in negotiation of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Washington, DC.  May 22, 2012.  In...
May 06 2020

Senate Committee Advances Critical Effort to Invest in Water Infrastructure

The legislation also ensures that drinking water systems and infrastructure will be American-made.
Oct 23 2019
Blog Trade

Global Steel Industry Groups Unite for Action on Steel Excess Capacity Crisis

Steel groups expect more from their governments.
Mar 20 2017

The Germans Are Right. Workforce Training is Vital to Manufacturing Job Creation.

But President Trump’s budget proposal would cut such programs.
Aug 08 2023

How Buy America Helped Create 200 New Infrastructure Jobs in Wisconsin

Biden administration officials traveled to the Badger State last week to announce new broadband electronics production, which came about thanks to Buy America preferences..
Jul 14 2014

July 14, 2014: Commerce gets its OCTG ruling RIGHT!

The verdict is in: The U.S. Department of Commerce has found that there’s been significant “dumping” of steel pipe and tube by companies based in South Korea and...
Aug 27 2014

Made in China: β€œA Mistake That Will Be Hard to Turn Around For Decades”

China already leads the world in carbon emissions. If the country follows through on a plan to build 60 new coal-to-gas plants, things could get a lot worse. | Gustavo Madico via Flickr While some...
Apr 24 2015
Blog Innovation

High School Robotics Teams Train the Next Makers and Engineers

Students build robots in Michigan while furthering their STEM education.
Apr 12 2016
Blog Trade

Time for Action to Address the Steel Imports Crisis, Witnesses Tell USTR, Commerce Dept.

The reason? It's clear China won't keep its promise to reduce steel overcapacity.
Jun 05 2017

The White House is Turning to Infrastructure

Still slow-walking its funding plans, though.