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Oct 13 2022

Instead of an Infrastructure Week, President Biden Calls for an “Infrastructure Decade”

After years of infrastructure hopes and dreams, the nation is implementing the $1.2 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Two White House events Thursday aimed to reveal its full value.
Apr 29 2016

Postcard from Germany: A Visit to the Salzgitter Flachstahl Steel Mill

Turns out China's steel dumping isn't just an issue facing American steelmakers.
Apr 06 2017
Blog Trade

As Trump Meets Xi, Remember China’s History of Broken Promises on a Key Trade Issue

China repeatedly promised to reduce its industrial overcapacity, but we're still at a crisis point.
May 22 2017

Reports of American Manufacturing’s Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

We still make things here, as new research showcases.
Sep 14 2020

The FTC is Considering Strengthening Enforcement of “Made in USA”

Companies have faced little-to-no consequences for misleading consumers, but that could soon be changing.
Mar 26 2021

New Jersey Assembly Unanimously Approves Buy American Bill

State assembly members voted 73-0 on Thursday to pass the New Jersey Buy American Act.
May 04 2021
Blog China

The “Phase 1” Trade Deal with China Was Never Great, But China Isn’t Even Keeping the Promises It Made In It

A new report from the U.S. Trade Representative finds China’s government hasn’t done enough when it comes to intellectual property protection and enforcement.
May 19 2021

Report Finds Forced Labor Throughout China Solar Panel Supply Chain

More evidence of forced labor to add to the pile.
Jul 15 2021

Congress Has a “Historic Opportunity” to Make U.S. Competitive Policy Worker-Centric, Senators Say

A Senate hearing this week focused on how smart policy can ensure the U.S. can compete with China -- and how workers can see the benefits, too.
Aug 31 2021
Blog Steel

Well, How About That! China’s Government Cut Steel Production

It’s almost as if leaders in Beijing could help resolve the global steel overcapacity crisis if they wanted to.