Search Results

May 16 2019

China is Aiming to Take Over the U.S. Transit Market. So Far, the Plan is Working.

Congress on Thursday examined the threat of Chinese SOEs to transit systems. Here's what's going on.
Feb 23 2024

Whimsical itsahook is Designed in Brooklyn and Made in Wisconsin

The sleek wall hook is the latest creation from industrial designer Zac Feltoon, who turned to CR Industries to make his product.
Oct 17 2012

Decoding the Debate on Manufacturing and China

If you tuned into the presidential debate last night wondering why President Obama and Mitt Romney spent so much time hitting each other on manufacturing and China, then you don’t live in a...
Apr 04 2016

After Nearly a Decade of Dedication, an AAM Original Bids Farewell

Field Coordinator Mike Mitchell, who has been with AAM since our founding, retired last week.
Mar 14 2022

How Do We Fix Our Broken Supply Chains?

Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) joined a group of experts to discuss solutions to the ongoing supply chain crisis. It starts with making more stuff locally.Β  Β 
Oct 07 2021
Blog Workforce

Democrats Discover Where They’ve Lost Voters: In Factory Towns

That's according to a new report, written by Democrats, analyzing the results of recent federal elections in the industrial heartland.
Mar 30 2017

Simmons Machine Tool Corp. among the N.Y. Companies that Benefit from Buy American

New York's legislature is expected to wrap up work on Buy American legislation by April 1.
Sep 27 2018
Blog Jobs

Q&A With One of the Real-Life Inspirations Behind the Award-Winning Play, “Sweat”

AAM's own Dean Showers consulted on the Pulitzer Prize winner.
May 23 2019

Wrangler Gets Rooted: Denim Company Rolls Out Fully American-made Jeans

In an interview, the iconic brand explains its ambitious Made in America agenda.
Oct 25 2019

New Study Outlines Rail Car Maker CRRC’s Deep Ties to China’s Authoritarian Government

Will a bill banning Chinese state-owned companies from winning federal contracts become law?