
Aug 07 2014
Blog Trade

WTO Upholds Ruling Finding China Guilty in Rare Earths Export Restraints Case

Today, U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman announced that the World Trade Organization (WTO) Appellate Body has upheld the finding that China violated international trade rules by applying...
Aug 06 2014
Blog Trade

Ho Hum: Another Gigantic Monthly Goods Trade Deficit

Did you know? Today, the U.S. Department of Commerce released its monthly trade data for June. The casual citizen — your average, everyday Joe — understandably might not have noticed, as...
Aug 06 2014
Blog Trade

Monthly U.S. Trade Deficit with China Rises in June

This morning, the U.S. Department of Commerce released the latest monthly U.S. trade figures. The overall monthly U.S. international goods and services trade deficit declined to $41.5 billion in...
Aug 04 2014

A Sobering Look at a Former Factory Town

An excellent story in the New York Times this weekend took a sobering look at the economic prospects of Millinocket, Maine, home to the remnants of the Great Northern Paper Mill. The mill, which...
Jul 29 2014
Blog Trade

Candidate Watch: We Need a Few More Details, Terri Lynn Land

UPDATE: Terri Lynn Land penned an op-ed in The Detroit News that expands a bit on her position when it comes to trade. In it, Lynn Land notes that the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) should be...
Jul 25 2014
Blog Trade

Fact Check: Standing Up Against Unfair Trade, Kentucky Edition

Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is out with a new campaign ad this week. In the spot, the senator highlights his efforts to “level the playing field” for Kentucky companies and...
Jul 23 2014
Press Release Trade

New Poll: Americans Want Trade Agreements that Do Not Undermine Manufacturing Jobs

New national poll finds Americans believe that Congress should oppose a trade deal that doesn’t prohibit currency manipulation. Washington, DC – Ipsos Public Affairs recently conducted a...
Jul 11 2014
Press Release

AAM Statement: Commerce Department Decision on South Korean OCTG Dumping.

The Department of Commerce announced today that it found significant dumping by South Korean companies in its final determination in a trade case on Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG) –...
Jun 25 2014

Capitol Hill Shines Spotlight on #SOSJobs

Updated The fight to Save Our Steel Jobs came to Capitol Hill on Wednesday, as the Senate Finance Committee held a hearing looking at how enforcing trade rules can level the playing field for...
Jun 19 2014

Capitol Hill Looks Hard at Dog Treats and Processed Chicken from China

Feeding the family dog a biscuit may not turn out to be such a treat after all. 1,000 dogs have died, 10 percent of America’s pig population is gone, 5,600 more pets are sick, and three people...