
Jun 02 2017

Trump Withdrew from the Paris Accord. What Does That Mean for Manufacturing?

Many manufacturers already are doing their part to combat climate change.
May 02 2017

Time to Bust Some Myths About Trump’s Steel and Aluminum Imports Investigations

There’s a lot of misinformation out there.
Apr 27 2017

President Trump Signs Order to Launch Aluminum Imports Investigation

Another “Section 232” investigation for the Trump administration. Will it lead to action?
Mar 29 2017

The Steel Industry Isn’t Rebounding Quite Yet, But Hopefully the Worst is Behind Us

Steel industry leaders tell Congress we must stay vigilant against unfairly traded imports.
Mar 23 2017
Blog Security

America’s Semiconductors Supply Chain Faces Big Cybersecurity Risks

Government and industry must work together to address these risks — and help keep us safe.
Dec 19 2016

China is on a Buying Spree. Is the Chicago Stock Exchange Next?

Despite the risks, the U.S. government is readying to approve the exchange’s sale to a Chinese firm.
Sep 14 2016
Blog Security

Panel: An Industrial Base and National Security go Hand in Hand

Can't have one without the other, experts say.
Apr 27 2016

Clinton Calls Steel Industry “Crucial” to Manufacturing Base, National Security

The Democratic front-runner visits an Indiana steel facility and promises to take on China.
Apr 15 2016
Blog Security

It’s Not Just the Economy. Steel Imports Also Threaten Our National Security.

Steel equips the military. Dependence on China and Russia would be a huge mistake.
Apr 14 2016
Press Release Security

America’s National Security at Risk Because of Unprecedented Steel Surge

New Paper Outlines Need for Stronger Trade Enforcement Urgent action is needed to avoid U.S. military dependence on foreign steel from China and Russia, according to a new paper released by the...