
Sep 18 2019
Research Security

China’s State-Owned CRRC is Trying to Convince Everyone It is Totally Legit

The Rail Security Alliance took red ink to those claims.
Sep 11 2019
Research Security

Congress to Examine the Health and Safety Risks of China’s “Grip” on Medicine

Reps. Anna Eshoo and Adam Schiff plan to hold hearings.
Sep 04 2019

Let’s Get Our Troops Some American-made Flatware!

No, really: Our national defense is supported by a strong domestic manufacturing base.
Aug 27 2019
Research Security

China’s Government-Owned CRRC Just Bought a German Locomotives Factory

The state-owned enterprise is taking its first steps in the European market.
Aug 20 2019
Research Security

China’s Government Wants to Dominate the Electric Vehicle Market. BYD is its Champion.

America’s tax dollars shouldn’t support the Chinese state's ambitions.
Aug 19 2019
Research Security

America’s Spies Considering What Happens if Huawei Wins the 5G Race

The president, meanwhile, has put the company's American market future on the trade table.
Aug 13 2019

Majority of Americans Have An Unfavorable Opinion of China, Pew Study Finds

Americans are particularly worried about China's growing military strength.
Aug 12 2019

Let’s Get This Legislation Over the Finish Line

It's time to ban companies with ties to China’s government from building U.S. transit.
Jul 23 2019

New Legislation Aims to Revive America’s Shockingly Small Shipbuilding Industry

America is painstakingly behind the rest of the world when it comes to making ships. It's a problem.
Jul 15 2019
Research Security

House Acts to Block Federal Funding for Rail Cars Built by Chinese State-Owned Companies

The Senate had previously taken action; effort now heads to conference.