Jobs and the U.S. Economy

Sep 03 2011

Some interesting facts about the Statue of Liberty

EDITOR'S UPDATE: Since this post was originally published we've posted a month of manufacturing facts, just like these. The famed Statue of Liberty, located in New York harbor was officially...
Aug 30 2011

A Shameful Use of Taxpayer Dollars in Alaska

The United States government has domestic procurement laws – often called Buy America laws – on the books to ensure that American-made manufactured goods are used to the fullest extent...
Aug 05 2011

CHART OF THE DAY: U.S. Manufacturing Jobs, Jan. 2000 through July 2011

Jul 30 2011

Don’t Tread on America’s Shoe Manufacturers

If you ask Alliance for American Manufacturing (AAM) Exercutive Director Scott Paul, he's a big fan of New Balance's American-made shoes.  He says he has 10 pairs of New Balance sneakers...
Jun 07 2011

How does Target compare to K-Mart and Wal-Mart when it comes to selling American-made products?

EDITOR'S UPDATE: Since this post was originally published there's been more news about the big-box stores.  June 2011: How does K-Mart compare to Wal-Mart when it comes to selling...
May 31 2011

Calling all Made in America Advocates! We Need Your Help Finding American-Made Goods

A few weeks ago we reported that Wal-Mart made headlines for claiming that most of the products it sells are American-made goods. In order to test this claim, we sent our field staff to Wal-Marts...
May 27 2011

Wait a minute, how low should wages go?

One of the things that makes America a stable First World country with a prosperous Middle Class is that our workers earn a good living.  They earn good wages, and thus can contribute...
May 17 2011

Skilcraft Pens: A Pen Rich in American-Made History

On the surface, a Skilcraft pen looks like much like many other ballpoint pens out there: Black steel barrel, black ink, and retractable with a click. But these unassuming pens have a fascinating...
Apr 30 2011

Building a Better White House: A look back at the Truman Renovation (1948-1952)

In 1949, shortly after his inauguration, President Harry S. Truman closed the White House to visitors and launched a major renovation and reconstruction of the entire building.  Throughout...
Apr 24 2011

Wal-Mart and Other Misconceptions about Labor Costs

In a post at IN THESE TIMES, Mike Elk provides an excellent analysis of why Wal-Mart could afford to pay its workers more, but doesn't. There's a longstanding view that Wal-Mart "could...