
Sep 04 2014

Green Bay v. Seattle: Both Cities Victors in Manufacturing

Photo courtesy Chrissy Wainwright via Flickr The 2014-15 NFL season kicks off tonight, with the Green Bay Packers squaring off against the current Super Bowl champion Seattle Seahawks....
Jun 24 2014

Voices from #SOSJobs: Rachel Thomas

The Alliance for American Manufacturing (AAM) has joined workers across the country over the past several weeks to rally to Save Our Steel Jobs. The reason: A surge of oil country tubular goods...
Jun 20 2014

Jolie & Elizabeth: Light Flirty Styles Perfect for Summer

  In French, Jolie means “pretty” and Elizabeth translates to “promise.” In 2010, when Jodie Bensen and Sarah Elizabeth Dewey established their women’s fashion...
Jun 20 2014

Ignore the Hype: We Aren’t Even Close to Declaring a Manufacturing Victory

You might have seen a new report released this week from the U.S. National Economic Council that put forth the idea that American manufacturing is more competitive than it has been in decades. That...
Jun 18 2014

White House Maker Faire Promotes Manfacturing Innovators

There’s a giraffe over at the White House today. A 17-foot-tall, 2,200 pound robotic giraffe named Russell who walks on wheels, plays music, lights up and can carry up to 30 passengers in its...
Jun 04 2014

Walmart’s “Made in America” Pledge Running into Roadblocks — and Walmart is to Blame

It’s been 18 months since Walmart made its much-publicized pledge to source an additional $250 billion worth of American-made goods over the next decade. Is the retailer keeping its promise? Today,...
Jan 22 2014

State of the Union Translator

  President Obama's State of the Union address is expected to focus heavily on jobs and the economy this year. AAM's SOTU Translator can help sort through the buzzwords...
Mar 04 2013

“Getting the lights turned back on” — homeland security concerns from two DHS Chiefs

Two Secretaries of Homeland Security agree—the continued outsourcing of U.S. manufacturing is a national security problem. This morning, the POLITICO’s Chief White House Correspondent...
Nov 20 2011

What’s the World’s Busiest Motor Vehicle Bridge?

QUESTION: What's the world's busiest motor vehicle bridge? ANSWER: The George Washington Bridge. The "GWB" is a suspension bridge spanning the Hudson River, connecting New York...
Oct 22 2011

How Do You Connect the Great Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean?

This coming Tuesday marks the 186th birthday of the Erie Canal. The Erie Canal officially opened on October 26, 1825. It runs east-west for roughly 363 miles between Albany, New York (at the Hudson...