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Mar 03 2021
Blog Trade

The Biden Administration Releases its Trade Policy Agenda

Meanwhile, another cabinet secretary with a big role to play in economic policy is confirmed.
Mar 19 2021

Congress Considers a Clean Energy Transition

Could a Buy Clean rule for procurement be in the works?
Apr 22 2021

Bipartisan Group in Both Congressional Chambers Push Buy America Bill

The legislation, first introduced in 2019, would have domestic procurement cover even more federal infrastructure projects.
Jun 28 2021

The Role that Racial Equity and Economic Sustainability Should Play in Manufacturing

The Century Foundation, Groundwork Collaborative, and Urban Manufacturing Alliance held an event last week to examine the role of trade and manufacturing in racial justice.
Aug 10 2021

The U.S. Senate Passes a Very Big, Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill

They've got a $1.2 trillion deal.
Aug 16 2021

The United Steelworkers Embark on the “We Supply America” Bus Tour

The USW is hitting the road this week to advocate for infrastructure investment and highlight how its members make the things we need to rebuild America.
Aug 24 2021

The House Democrats Set a Date for the Infrastructure Vote

No later than September 27!
Sep 02 2021

American Giant and Excel Manufacturing Join Forces to Make a New, Made-In-America Product

Two renowned American clothing manufacturers come together to launch the Roughneck Pant.
Sep 23 2021

Jim Johnston is Counting on President Biden to Stand Up for America’s Steelworkers

Jim Johnston was in the Oval Office when one president signed a proclamation putting Section 232 into effect. Now he wants another president to keep it in place.
Oct 22 2021
Blog PPE

Why is the U.S. Government Giving Made in China PPE an Edge Over Made in USA?

In the early days of the pandemic, the Trump administration waived certain tariffs on PPE imports from China. But now there is plenty of Made in USA PPE -- and yet the tariff exclusion remains in...