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Nov 06 2020
Blog Jobs

Factories Added 38,000 Jobs in October

But the manufacturing sector is still down more than 620,000 jobs since February.
Feb 19 2021
Blog Trade

Congress is Considering a Xinjiang Import Ban Again

This time, there's the State Department's genocide label to consider.
Apr 14 2021

Another Bipartisan Buy America Bill Surfaces on Capitol Hill

Tammy Baldwin and Mike Braun in the Senate, John Garamendi in the House are sponsoring the Made in America Act.
Jul 02 2021

Cheers to this Made in America Collaboration!

Made in USA mainstay American Giant is teaming up with Samuel Adams.
Aug 06 2021

President Biden Just Set an Ambitious Target for Electric Vehicle Purchases, But That’s the Easy Part

Biden announced a goal that 50% of new U.S. vehicle sales by 2030 will be zero emission. The key will be making sure all those vehicles are American-made.
Nov 17 2021
Blog China

Biden and Xi Meet (Virtually)

Talks between the world’s two superpowers were cordial. What comes next?
Apr 02 2018

Enough With the Robots. It’s Time to Focus on America’s Real Job Crisis

Pundits love to talk about how robots killed manufacturing jobs — and might be coming for yours next. But Lawrence Michel, president of the Economic Policy Institute, argues that thinking is all...
May 07 2018

The American Dream Realized from the Factory Floor

When “Ted” Tadeusz Szarek immigrated from Poland to America in 1974, jobs were scarce. But at Wheatland Tube in Chicago, he found a career that has spanned 43 years and supported his family....
May 14 2018

Special Edition: What Will Happen Next in the China Trade Debate?

Ahead of Chinese Vice Premier Liu He's visit to the White House this week, podcast host Scott Paul and the Alliance for American Manufacturing's Scott Boos look into the future of U.S.-China trade...
May 29 2018

Can Democracy Survive Global Capitalism?

As midterm elections approach, Scott Paul, host of The Manufacturing Report, and Robert Kuttner, author of "Can Democracy Survive Global Capitalism?", examine what political leaders need to do to...