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Apr 14 2023

Rejoice, Washington Area Residents: The 14th Street Bridge Is Getting Repaired

The fixes to the heavily-used span leading into the nation's capital will be largely paid for with federal funding.
May 12 2023

Chip Fabs Are Springing Up Nationwide. The Next Step? Boosting Printed Circuit Board Production

A bipartisan bill would incentivize domestic printed circuit board manufacturing and research and development.
Aug 01 2023

As Scrutiny of Forced Uyghur Labor Mounts, the Global Solar Supply Chain is Becoming Less Transparent

Despite worries about China’s use of forced labor to make solar products, goods from the Xinjiang region remain a significant contributor of the solar industry’s raw materials.
Apr 17 2024
Blog Trade

President Biden Pledges He “Will Take Action” If Investigation Finds China is Committing Unfair Practices in Shipbuilding

During a trip to United Steelworkers headquarters in Pittsburgh, President Biden also called on the U.S. Trade Representative to triple tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum imports.
Jun 10 2024
Blog Jobs

Join Us For a Special “Making It In America” Book Event in Washington, D.C.

Alliance for American Manufacturing President Scott Paul will discuss the book with author Rachel Slade on June 25 at local bookselling institution Kramers.
Mar 23 2011

WAIT– How LITTLE DEBT Does the U.S. Government Actually Owe to China??? has posted a stunning pie chart by Political Calculations.  Stunning because it reveals something that runs completely counter to conventional wisdom. Their pie chart shows the...
Feb 05 2012

Weber: American-Made Brake Pads

Weber’s Auto is pleased to announce a new line of brake pads designed with superior stopping power and economy combined.  Perfect Stop brake pads are the latest offering from...
Feb 16 2012

Is GE Creating U.S. Jobs or Outsourcing Them?

Okay, folks, you decide… In an editorial published yesterday at, Alliance for American Manufacturing (AAM) Executive Director Scott Paul offered an assessment of the current state of...
Jul 17 2014

So Much For Promises: China’s Manipulating Its Currency, Again

#CRTcaption contest! This week, it's John Kerry and Jacob Lew traipsing along the Great Wall — WSJ China Real Time (@ChinaRealTime) July...