AAM Statement: Factories Lost 18,000 Jobs in April

Washington, D.C. – Manufacturing lost 18,000 jobs in April, according to new figures released on Friday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Motor vehicles and parts lost 27,000 jobs, while wood products lost 7,000 jobs. There were gains in miscellaneous durable goods manufacturing, which saw 13,000 jobs. Chemicals also gained 4,000 jobs.  

The overall sector remains down 515,000 jobs since the COVID-19 pandemic began in February 2020.

Alliance for American Manufacturing President Scott Paul said:

“The manufacturing job loss in April is a good reminder that resilient supply chains and more domestic capabilities are essential to growing jobs in the future. Drops in automotive sector employment are almost entirely due to semiconductor shortages. This is another signal to Congress and the Biden administration that it is time to put bold industrial policies in place that are focused on procurement, trade enforcement, reshoring, innovation, and infrastructure.”
