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Dec 12 2016
Blog Trade

China Protests Non-Market Economy Status Designation at WTO

But it's not a market economy!
Nov 25 2019

The 2019 Made in America Holiday Gift Guide

The Alliance for American Manufacturing is thrilled to unveil the 2019 Made in America Holiday Gift Guide, our annual collection of gift ideas from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto...
Aug 25 2021

The Solar Industry Provides a Cautionary Tale for America’s Clean Energy Future

The United States will not be able to throw a little bit of money at the clean energy transition and hope it works out for the best. Not when we know China is working so hard to dominate the global...
Nov 05 2021
Blog Trade

An Update to the China Shock Examines the Fallout After an Import surge

The new China Shock paper's conclusions are incomplete.
Jul 10 2018

These Apartments Provide a Place to Stay, and Double as Made in America Showrooms

Short and long-term rentals are equipped with dozens of American-made goods.
Jun 19 2018

Michigan Central Station Symbolized Detroit’s Rise & Fall. Thanks to Ford, It Now Signals a Rebirth

Ford officially unveils plans to turn the historic space into an innovation hub.
Oct 28 2015
Blog Jobs

Getting Past the Rhetoric: Questions for 2016 Candidates

Every presidential candidate should answer these questions about manufacturing.
Aug 12 2016

OPINION: Infrastructure Investment: Both Candidates Agree, but their Details Differ

And those infrastructure details matter, a lot.
Jul 29 2014
Blog Trade

Candidate Watch: We Need a Few More Details, Terri Lynn Land

UPDATE: Terri Lynn Land penned an op-ed in The Detroit News that expands a bit on her position when it comes to trade. In it, Lynn Land notes that the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) should be...
Nov 07 2018

Midterm Results Are In, But 3 Big Manufacturing Questions Remain

Will the 116th Congress capitalize on bipartisan manufacturing opportunities?