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Aug 12 2015

Seeing Through the Lens: American-made Eyewear

Made in the USA frames are nearly non-existent, save for a few small companies.
May 07 2019
Blog Trade

Trade War Update: Trump Threatens to Raise Tariffs

Administration officials see Chinese side as reneging on commitments.
Jun 27 2019
Blog Trade

First Half of the First Democratic Debate: Trade Not a Topic

Not a topic at all!
May 19 2023

Why Klein Tools Has Kept it Made in America

The 166-year-old company's tools are so revered among electrical and communications workers that they're simply known as "Kleins."
Apr 26 2019
Blog Trade

The Dragon the Night King Stole in Game Of Thrones? It’s Just Like IP Theft.

Just hear me out.
Mar 11 2024
Blog movies

AAM at the Movies: Man, “Gung Ho” Stinks!

A film about a Japanese takeover of an American auto factory could have been interesting. Instead, it was thin and moralizing in the wrong way.
Dec 10 2021

It’s Time to Deck the Halls in Made in USA Style!

Join AAM as we source America’s finest to transform your home into a winter wonderland.
Jan 25 2016

If Trade Deal is Approved, Expect Big Job Losses for Manufacturing

New study predicts TPP will cost 50,000 U.S. jobs each year; another study says 450,000 jobs to be lost.
Oct 27 2016

Donald Trump has Updated his Infrastructure Plan

No taxes included in his 10-year, $1 trillion proposal, Donald says.
Jul 18 2024

China’s New Plan for its Economy? Same as the Old Plan

Details remain scarce, but indications are that Xi Jinping and Co., will aim to prioritize "new productive forces." That could mean a lot for U.S. factories, especially in emerging industries.