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Feb 03 2015

Infrastructure Leads President’s FY16 Budget Request

White House makes a big push to invest in us.
Jul 14 2015

Constantly Flipping Your Pillow In Search of the Cool Side? Stop and Read This.

Learn how one Made In America company is revolutionizing how the world sleeps.
Apr 04 2018
Blog Trade

America Already Has Been Fighting a Trade War, and Steel is on the Front Lines

The steel and aluminum tariffs prompted a panic. Let's put things into perspective.
Sep 30 2022

New Poll: Plurality in U.S. Thinks We Should End China’s PNTR Status

That tracks with a growing negative public opinion of the Chinese government.
Sep 27 2023

Bipartisan Pair in House Propose an Office to Manage Critical Supply Chains

The SHIELD Act comes in response to a key recommendation the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission.
Feb 16 2016
Blog Trade

Opinion: Cold, Hard Reasoning Behind the TPP

Ask a multinational, and they'll tell you what they think of the deal.
May 17 2022

The Probe Into Solar Import Circumvention Hasn’t Been Stopped

Commerce's investigation continues, with mandatory questionnaires being sent to leading solar manufacturers.
Apr 21 2020
Blog Trade

President Trump’s Troublesome “Tariff Relief” Plan

It's misguided, and it comes at the wrong time.
Jul 28 2021

By Moving to Strengthen Buy American, President Biden Bets on American Workers

The commander-in-chief unveils new Buy American rules designed to boost American manufacturing and create good-paying jobs.
Mar 17 2023

A Company on a Mission to Cut Down on Plastic Waste

Terravive makes compostable, biodegradable food containers, cutlery, cups, plates and straws ... all in the United States.