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Sep 19 2018
Blog Trade

Is America Importing its Pollution?

The link between trade and climate change is becoming more clear.
Jul 12 2021

The Ohio Valley is an Emerging Hub for Carbon Capture and Hydrogen Generation

The AFL-CIO gathered policy experts and political leaders to talk about seizing a new clean energy opportunity that could also create a whole lot of good, union jobs.
Jul 24 2023
Blog China

Balancing Trade is Key to the Competition with China, Members of Congress Say

There's growing bipartisan agreement that the lopsided trade deficit with China is harmful to U.S. interests. Growing American manufacturing is critical to fixing the problem.
Oct 16 2017

California Cleans up its Procurement Act

New legislation will reward companies that comply with tough environmental standards.
Apr 21 2021

How Buy Clean Can Help the U.S. Close the โ€œCarbon Loopholeโ€

The U.S. imports manufactured goods with 1.4 gigatons of embedded greenhouse gas emissions every year. But making more stuff locally can help reduce global emissions.
Feb 09 2017

California Aims to Buy Clean โ€” and it Starts with Buying American-Made

Sourcing steel, aluminum, & other industrial products from the U.S. can help lower carbon emissions.
Jun 28 2018
Blog Jobs

Will Foxconn’s New Wisconsin Factory be a Game Changer or an Expensive Boondoggle?

Proponents like President Trump say it will create jobs, but skepticism abounds.
Apr 29 2021

Electrifying Car and Truck Sales by 2035 Will Create 2 Million New Jobs, Study Finds

A new report from the Goldman School of Public Policy at U.C. Berkeley calls for investments in electric vehicle manufacturing and infrastructure โ€“ along with policy like Buy America to ensure U.S....
Jul 26 2022
Blog Steel

More Highlights from the ITC Hearings on Section 232 and 301 Tariffs

Steel companies and the United Steelworkers told commissioners that trade enforcement measures helped stabilize the industry โ€“ and led to lower carbon emissions.
Jul 09 2014

Postcard from Rhode Island: AAM Talks Trade at UUA Convention

Greetings from the Ocean State! Alliance for American Manufacturing (AAM) Field Coordinators Linda Murch and Rachel Bennett Steury recently attended the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA)...