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Mar 02 2016
Blog Trade

Commerce Department Places Anti-Dumping Duties on Steel from China, Other Countries

More than 12,000 steelworkers have been laid off due to the steel imports crisis.
Jun 01 2017

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross Expects NAFTA Negotiations to Conclude by Early 2018

And the formal talks are likely to begin in mid-August.
Nov 07 2017
Blog Trade

Aluminum Foil Trade Case Heads to the WTO

But the fight is really about China’s non-market economy status.
Mar 26 2018

For Those Who Celebrate, Some Tips for an American-made Easter and Passover

From the archives: Spring into the season's activities while keeping it Made in America.
Apr 12 2018

On Capitol Hill, a Discussion of Unfair Chinese Trade

EPI president: U.S. must "develop and articulate its own long-term economic development strategy."
Jul 31 2018
Blog Innovation

GUEST POST: American Firms are Offshoring Innovation. Here’s How to Reverse the Trend.

"Invent there, manufacture there" is the new mantra for many companies.
Feb 25 2019

A Soft Idea Has Hit Hard Times.

A U.S. apparel company is increasingly an outsourcer. What's keeping it from sourcing in the States?
Apr 16 2019

Put Some Made in America Spring in Your Step This Easter and Passover

These Made in America goods for Easter and Passover are sure to egg-cite.
Jun 26 2019
Blog Trade

Congressional Hearing on Mexican Labor Reform Illustrates USMCA Challenges

Dems say there's more work to do.
Apr 15 2020

America’s Bridges are in Terrible Shape. Now’s the Time to Get Serious About Fixing Them

Public health remains paramount. But we can start putting together an economic recovery plan now.