Search Results

Oct 09 2020

Steve Ackerman, a Black Millwright in Rural Ohio, Sees Slow Racial Progress

β€œIf nothing else comes out of this, they are starting to at least listen now.”
Oct 23 2018
Blog Trade

Lopsided Trade with China Continues to Cost Americans Millions of Jobs, Study Confirms

But you might be surprised by the industry hardest hit.
Mar 03 2023

Luxury Furniture Maker Gets Back to His St. Louis Roots with New Made in USA Collection

Martin Goebel has made high-end offerings for VIPs and exclusive hotels. Now he's creating American-made wood furniture for the public, and at competitive prices.
May 12 2023

Chip Fabs Are Springing Up Nationwide. The Next Step? Boosting Printed Circuit Board Production

A bipartisan bill would incentivize domestic printed circuit board manufacturing and research and development.
Jul 30 2021

Manufactured in the USA for More Than 40 Years, Maglite Flashlights Embody the American Dream

Maglite founder Tony Maglica continues to make his company's flashlights in the United States through β€œdesire, determination, dedication and discipline.”
Feb 29 2016
Blog Trade

Trump, Trade, and the Fine Details

The Donald doesn't do policy specifics too often, but we'd love to hear more on trade policy.
Jan 03 2024

Donald Trump Has Plans for U.S. Trade Policy If He Retakes the Oval Office

Trump is facing big legal troubles and has been thrown off the primary ballot in two states, but the former president is still topping the Republican polls. But what would he actually do as president?
Feb 12 2024

Temu is Spending Billions on Ads, Including Three During the Super Bowl. So How Come It Isn’t Paying Any Tariffs?

Oh, and don't forget that Temu's ultra cheap (and possibly toxic) products are almost certainly made using forced labor.
Apr 11 2017
Blog Trade

Explainer: Trump is Considering an Executive Order on Import Dumping. What’s That About?

Import dumping is a huge trade issue that impacts our economy β€” and our national security.
Oct 05 2017

Trump Loved Talking About Infrastructure. When Will He Actually Get to Work?

The Trump administration might release an outline of its plan next week. Maybe.