There are lots of great reasons to shop local. Here are just a handful.
If you’ve visited this website any time over the past month, you’ve probably seen our 2020 Made in America Holiday Gift Guide, the latest edition of our annual list of gift ideas from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. It’s one of the most popular things we produce all year, and its success eventually led us to launch the Made in America Directory.
We love all things American-made, and think supporting American manufacturers, makers, and workers is the right thing to do. There are so many great reasons to buy Made in USA gifts this holiday (and really, all year around). Here are just a handful of reasons why our staff is shopping Made in America this holiday season.
“In shopping Made in America this holiday season, my gift giving goes even further. The presents that I’ve purchased will be treasured, and the money I’ve spent will be reinvested into our communities. There’s no better way to celebrate the spirit of the season!” Cathalijne Adams
“I always try to shop for American-made products, especially through small businesses. Not only does it help these small businesses thrive but, even more importantly, my purchases make it possible for American manufacturers to create more jobs. I do not want my money to go to China. If we all spend a little more on Made in USA goods, it would create hundreds of thousands of jobs. And the bottom line is, it is a winning formula as we all know that goods Made in America are of the finest quality. If you don’t believe me, buy some cheap Chinese clothes or a Chinese-made hammer. In the long run, you actually save money by buying American.” Jeff Bonior
“I continue to Buy America this holiday season, for many reasons. I know supporting American companies ultimately supports American workers! American-made products almost always are of better quality, and are also much more environmentally friendly. Buying American is a must, whenever possible, in this family.” Lou Delatore
“I’m buying American made this Christmas season to support local businesses and to keep jobs in the U.S.” John Jeffers
“I bought Made in the USA this holiday season because I feel it is the least I can do to support jobs and communities close to home at time when every dollar counts.” Brian Lombardozzi
“I try to buy American because, ethically, I think it’s the right thing to do. But I also buy American because I think the quality of the product is typically better. That’s especially how I shop around the holidays when I’m buying gifts for the kids.” Matt McMullan
“I bought Made in America items and shopped local this holiday season because I care about my community and keeping jobs in the USA!” Lauren Miller
“I’m buying American-made this holiday season because helping local businesses who are struggling during this crisis is just the right thing to do.” Mark Musho
“I’m buying American because it puts my dollars to good use supporting US jobs at factories that are better for the environment and safer than many factories overseas, instead of supporting imports from China, where workers can’t have a union and many goods are still made with slave labor.” Riley Ohlson
“Finding a Made in America gift may take a bit of extra effort, but the surprised smiles, support for American jobs, and unsurpassed quality make it all worthwhile.” Scott Paul
“I buy Made in USA because it a job creator. I buy American-made to support workers who are the best in the world, and products that are Made in America come with quality assurance.” Ken Poweski
“I am taking a few extra minutes this year to search and buy gifts made in America. It is important we support the many businesses that still make things in the U.S and employ our fellow citizens. Gifts made in the U.S. are usually more unique and made with a more complete quality and safety standard.” Dean Showers
Why do you buy American-made? Tell us on Twitter by tweeting @KeepitMadeinUSA and with the hashtag #MadeinUSAGifts.