Team AAM will be talking trade, jobs and manufacturing at both the RNC and the DNC.
There’s no doubt that trade policy and other key manufacturing issues are dominating the political conversation this campaign cycle.
The Alliance for American Manufacturing (AAM) welcomes this change in direction — some of our key issues have taken center stage, and this is the first time in the post-World War II era that we’ve seen both party candidates take such a skeptical view on trade.
And we’re not shying away from the conversation.
Team AAM will be in Cleveland starting July 18 for the Republican National Convention, and we will be in Philadelphia starting July 25 for the Democratic National Convention.
Here’s what we’re doing.
At the RNC: AAM is hosting the Keep it Made in America tent, a space located just outside the Quicken Loans arena where we will chat with convention-goers about ways to grow American manufacturing jobs. We also will use the space to show off a few American-made items, including a 3D printed, life-size statue of the presumptive nominee, courtesy of the Youngstown/Warren Regional Chamber. We’ll also be speaking at a number of state delegation breakfasts, sharing with local, state and national lawmakers the issues that we think must be on their policy agendas. Going to Cleveland for the convention? Learn more about our activities or email us at [email protected] about ways to connect.
- At the DNC: AAM is hosting a town hall meeting at the Philadelphia Museum of Art on “Rebuilding the Middle Class.” We'll feature keynote remarks from Gene Sperling, economic adviser to presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. AAM President Scott Paul will serve as the event emcee, which also will include special guest speakers like Leo Gerard, president of the United Steelworkers. In Philly for the convention? You can RSVP here. If not, learn how you can watch online.
You can follow everything that’s happening over the next two weeks here on the blog, along with up-to-the-minute updates on Twitter and Facebook.