This Bill is a Potential Game Changer for America’s Factory Workers

Jul 07 2023 |
The McLouth Steel mill in Trenton, Mich., shown in the early 1990s. Transkohr via Wikimedia

The Leveling the Playing Field Act 2.0 would give manufacturers and workers new, modern tools to fight China’s most egregious unfair trade practices. It’s time to get it passed.

Editor’s note: This email was sent to our grassroots email supporters on Thursday.

“Unfair Trade” isn’t just a talking point. I know that firsthand.

I worked at McLouth Steel here in Michigan for over 25 years. It was a good-paying job, the type you could raise a family on. I was proud to make carbon and stainless steel that went into many of America’s products and appliances.

But, for nearly my entire time there, it wasn’t enough for all of us in the mill to just do our jobs. We constantly faced the threat of dumped and unfairly traded imports that threatened our livelihood. We went through several rounds of layoffs.

So, we had to become advocates — holding rallies and marches, and meeting with lawmakers to demand policy to level the playing field.

All these years later, America’s factory workers are still doing double duty. They’re still fighting unfair trade. But now help could be on the way.

New legislation called the Leveling the Playing Field Act 2.0 would create new, improved tools to equip America’s workers and manufacturers with what they need to take on trade cheats and compete globally.

YOU CAN HELP: Tell your Members of Congress to cosponsor the Leveling the Playing Field Act 2.0!

This new bill is desperately needed.

As it stands now, it takes American workers years to win a trade case, even when they can definitely prove unfair trade is taking place and causing harm.

But even that’s not enough, because foreign companies have found creative ways to get around trade enforcement, like moving production to a new country. That means the trade case must start from scratch.

The Leveling the Playing Field Act 2.0 would speed things up, making it easier for U.S. workers to receive trade relief, especially from repeat offenders. It also will help address some of China’s most egregious practices, such as subsiding production in third party countries.

Take action now in support of the Leveling the Playing Field Act 2.0!

I’ll be honest with you: Congress hasn’t always been that much help to our factory workers.

It truly baffles me that it’s taken decades — and multiple crises like the pandemic and the supply chain shortage — for policymakers to finally see the crucial need to strengthen American manufacturing.

This bill is decades in the making, and we must seize the moment!

My Brothers and Sisters at McLouth Steel eventually lost our fight against unfair trade. The company shuttered in 1996. We weren’t alone, of course, as tens of thousands of American factories have closed.

But if this bill becomes law, America’s current factory workers will be better equipped to keep up the fight!

I’ve written to my Members of Congress in support of the Leveling the Playing Field Act 2.0. Please join me in doing the same!

Blue Wilson
Vice President
United Steelworkers Organization of Active Retirees (SOAR)
Local 2659