The ten-dollar Founding Father without a father is the father of American manufacturing.
The Tony Awards are happening on Sunday night, and the musical Hamilton is expected to win a whole bunch of 'em. In case you haven't heard about it, Hamilton tells the story of Alexander Hamilton, a "scrappy young immigrant who forever changed America."
Over on Medium, Alliance for American Manufacturing (AAM) President and Hamilton fan Scott Paul sings his praises for the musical — but he also notes that Alexander Hamilton had big ideas for American manufacturing. As Paul writes:
Hamilton's vision included massive investment in our infrastructure and right-sized tariffs to ensure out industries could grow and export, our government could attract revenue, and that our manufacturers could still have access to imported raw materials. He saw the benefits of capital investments in industry. He also believed that manufacturing could serve to attract immigrants to our new nation, a dynamic that has had a profoundly positive and lasting impact on America to this very day.
Smarter trade policies, investing in infrastructure and skilled wokers, Buying American: these ideas resonate as much today as they did in the 1790s, though in Congress they are no less fiercely debated. It's time we re-embrace this particular Hamiltonian vision.
Head over to Medium to read the entire piece.